Project ASAT
Atomic Scale Analytical Tomography (Project ASAT)
Interested in this project? Be sure to read our new book on this topic:
Kelly, T., Gorman, B., & Ringer, S. (2022). Atomic-Scale Analytical Tomography: Concepts and Implications (Advances in Microscopy and Microanalysis). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316677292
Our goal is simple - to measure every atom's identity and position.
We are using combined 4-D STEM and APT to get at this information. When we are successful, we will be able to analyze 100% of the atoms in a sample at <5 pm of resolution in 3-D. Single point defects will be detectable.
We are applying these techniques to materials for quantum devices as well as grain boundaries.
Project ASAT is in collaboration with several other prominent researchers in the field of atomic scale materials characterization.
Also check out this paper showing our early work in this area.
Ceguerra, A., Breen, A., Cairney, J., Ringer, S., & Gorman, B. (2021). Integrative Atom Probe Tomography Using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy-Centric Atom Placement as a Step Toward Atomic-Scale Tomography. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 27(1), 140-148. doi:10.1017/S1431927620024873
We used STEM to define the atom positions and APT to determine the isotopic identities of the atoms.
Also check out this patent that details the STEM + APT analysis methods.